Live simply is not quite the same as simply live, isn't it?
Recently, I tweeted this statement and it kind of garnered quite some responses... so I thought perhaps it is good that I explain what I was trying to bring across.
There is a huge difference between 'live simply' and 'simply live'. I was not as much as thinking of it grammatically but more of it's implications.
Let me try to explain myself.
To live simply simply means to live humbly and to live within our means. This living humbly is relative and very often it is the misunderstanding of this that creates a lot of troubles in life i.e., jealousy, strife... just to name a few. For a fresh graduate, to live within one's means means you rent a room, take public transport to work or perhaps drive a small, second-hand car, don't get into credit card debt, try not to eat out all the time, and basically live within your RM2000 a month. That is the standard for a fresh grad. But for those who have been working for quite some time, say 20 years or so, living within one's means means having your own house, paid up your car, no credit-card debts, have some savings, able to bless others, can afford a nice dinner every now and then, and a few other perks perhaps. For a person who has reached such a level, he has the right to enjoy the fruits of his labor. It is therefore unfair and not right for the fresh grad to complain or judge that such person is living lavishly. Just because we cannot afford a bigger television, it does not mean our friends should not have it either.
We ought to learn to be contented and be happy with what we have and not to be upset with what we do not have or what others have. Learn to live simply. Remember, material wealth and possessions can never bring joy to our lives. They only make life easier and more convenient.
On the other hand, simply live is a totally different story altogether. Simply live implies a life that is reckless, without plans and accountability, without respect and without submission to authority.
It is a life that lives one day at a time. This is not wise. We may live to regret a life like that. A reckless life is a life without boundaries, what looks like freedom is actually anarchy. Without respect and submission to authority, such life leads to nowhere but destruction.
Learning to live simply is learning to live within God's governance of authority and covering. We will find ourselves living in joy and contentment when we submit to His ways.
I want to exhort all of us to learn to live life in such a manner. Living simply is not being a simpleton but living within the blue-print of His plans for us in total submission.
Therefore, live simply and don't simply live.
Be blessed and have a great day,
P/S:This article is from Ps. Kevin Loo, founder and Senior Pastor of KL City Harvest Church.
7 个月前
2 评论:
Good post. =)